Happy, Healthy Cat Month


September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month, and we want to give you some ideas to keep your cat happy and healthy!

Toys, toys toys: Toys are a great way to both make your cat happy and healthy. Cats need their exercise and chasing a plush mouse around the house is a great way for them to get their exercise in. Not only that, but most cats love to chase things! 

  1. Play Pal: Two is more fun than one. Sometimes adding a second cat can help your cat get their exercise in too. Two cats tend to chase each other around, up and down the hallway (sometimes at 3 am), getting their daily exercise in. 

  2. Regular Vet Visits: While it may seem obvious, taking your cat to the vet is vital when it comes to keeping your cat healthy. Checkups with vaccines are typically performed and given annually, so make sure you stay on top of when your cat is due!

  3. Regular Grooming: As we have said in a previous post, it’s important for cats to have regular grooming. Not only does it help them get more socialization, but it also helps keep their skin and hair healthy. 

The best thing you can do to make sure your cat is happy and healthy is to be dedicated to maintaining their happiness and health. While these four suggestions are great, it all comes down to you and how dedicated you are to taking care of your furry friend. Toys are great all by themselves, but they are even better when they have a human to play with too!