Help! My Dog Won't Stop Shedding!

If you have a double-coated dog, you know that it can shed quite a bit. The good news is that regular deshedding can help reduce the amount of loose fur and keep your home cleaner. But deshedding is not just about keeping your home tidy - it's also important for your dog's health and well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of deshedding your double-coated dog.

What is a double-coated dog?

Before we dive into the importance of deshedding, let's first understand what a double-coated dog is. Double-coated dogs have two layers of fur: a thick undercoat and a longer, coarser topcoat. The undercoat is made up of soft, fluffy fur that is designed to insulate the dog and keep them warm in cold weather. The top coat is made up of coarser hair that provides protection from the elements.

Why is deshedding important for double-coated dogs?

Shedding is a natural process for dogs, and double-coated breeds tend to shed more than others. However, excessive shedding can lead to a number of health issues for your pet. Here are some reasons why deshedding is important for your double-coated dog:

Preventing Matting and Tangling

As your dog sheds, loose fur can get caught in its coat and create mats and tangles. These can be uncomfortable for your dog and even lead to skin irritation or infection. Deshedding can help prevent matting and tangling by removing loose fur before it can get caught in the coat.

Reducing Shedding

By removing loose fur, deshedding can help reduce shedding and keep your home cleaner

Keeping Your Dog Cool

In hot weather, a thick coat can be uncomfortable for your dog and even lead to heatstroke. Deshedding can help keep your dog cool by removing excess fur and allowing air to circulate through its coat.

Preventing Skin Irritation

Excessive shedding can cause skin irritation and even infections if loose fur and dirt get trapped in your dog's coat. Deshedding can help remove these impurities and keep your dog's skin healthy.

Promoting a Healthy Coat

Regular deshedding can help promote a healthy, shiny coat by removing dead fur and allowing new, healthy fur to grow.

How do I deshed my double-coated dog?

Deshedding your double-coated dog requires a specialized approach. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Use the right tools

A deshedding tool, such as an undercoat rake or a slicker brush, is essential for removing loose fur from your dog's coat. Make sure you choose a tool that is appropriate for your dog's size and coat type.

Brush Regularly

Regular brushing can help remove loose fur and prevent matting and tangling. Aim to brush your dog at least once a week and more often during shedding season.

Bathe Your Dog & Blow Dry them

A bath can help loosen dead fur and make it easier to remove with a deshedding tool. Use a pet-safe shampoo and conditioner and rinse thoroughly. When they are fully clean, you will want to blow dry your dog to help blow all the loose hair out of the coat. This can be a lengthy and tedious process, but is one of the best ways to minimize the shedding in your home. 

Seek Professional Help

If you're not comfortable deshedding your dog yourself, or if you don't have the time or tools to do it properly, consider seeking professional help. Tails-A-Wagn’ can help deshed your dog safely and effectively.

Regular deshedding is an important part of caring for your double-coated dog. By removing loose fur, deshedding can help prevent matting and tangling, reduce shedding, keep your dog cool, prevent skin irritation, and promote a healthy coat. Remember to use the right tools, brush regularly, bathe your dog, and seek professional help if you don’t feel confident in the process.